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Anal Fissure Symptoms

anal disorders

The most common reason for patients complains is pain in the rectum. During defecation, a pain described as tearing, glass cut is felt.

Most of the patients delay defecation in order not to experience this pain, and the stool that is waiting inside gradually hardens and it becomes much more painful to pass out, and the event enters a vicious circle in this way. If this event continues for more than 6 weeks, it becomes chronic and the pain decreases somewhat.

Another complaint is rectal bleeding. It is in small amount, bright red in color and seen at the end of defecation. Some patients also complain of itching. Due to the secretions from the torn area, a feeling of wetness and itching are seen.

Depending on the chronic anal fissure, there may be a small palpable breast on the outside of the anus (skin tag = hypertrophic papilla). It is a skin extension that grows gradually due to the tear trying to heal on its own. It is an indication that the event is old and has become chronic. When it is very advanced, it can also cause stenosis in the breech.

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