Briefly Vitamin D

D vitamini içeren gıdalar masa üzerinde

Vitamin D:

Vitamin D is a vital vitamin for each of us. We can obtain vitamin D through food or synthesize it from our skin through the ultraviolet effect of sunlight.

Although it can be taken through food or with vitamin supplements, it is one of the most common vitamins deficient in world and has been shown in studies to be associated with depression and obesity.

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is absorbed through fats and stored in the liver.
Vitamin D can be synthesized in the skin through the sun.
Vitamin D varies depending on whether the rays are vertical or oblique during sunbathing, skin color and age of the individual. Vitamin D formation is less in the elderly and dark-skinned people.

What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?

Body pain
Weight loss becomes difficult
Walking difficulties and balance problems
pain in bones
Hair loss
Sleep problem
Joint and finger pains
Under eye bruises
Excessive sweating
Constant feeling of cold

Foods Containing Vitamin D

Oily fish and seafood

** It is quite difficult to meet our vitamin D needs through foods. Vitamin D supplements should be used especially in winter months when we cannot be exposed to sunlight sufficiently.

While 10-20% of vitamin D is taken through foods and supplements, 80-90% is synthesized by sunlight. For this reason, sunlight is essential for adequate levels of vitamin D.


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