Constipation After Bariatric Surgery

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Constipation After Bariatric Surgery

Constipation, which is frequently encountered after bariatric surgery operations (e.g. gastric sleeve), defined as the number of defecations are less than 3 or less per week as a result of slowing bowel movements. This is a condition that causes incomplete emptying of the stool and painful defecation.

The general causes of constipation that may occur in the first few weeks after the operation are as follows;

– Insufficient fiber intake due to the reduction of stomach volume,

– Insufficient fluid consumption during the day,

– Use of some medications after surgery,

– Calcium and iron supplementation,

– Lack of physical activity

So How Can Constipation Be Prevented After Bariatric Surgery?

– Adequate Fiber Consumption.

Dietary fiber is the name given to complex carbohydrates (foods made from whole wheat flour, bulgur, legumes, fruits and vegetables) that the human body cannot digest or absorb into the bloodstream. Dietary fiber has effects such as increasing stool frequency and ensuring rapid elimination of toxins formed in the intestine. For this reason, fiber consumption in accordance with the diet phase should be ensured throughout the process. When switching to a solid diet, there should be enough fiber in our diet. The foods with the most fiber are legumes, nuts, vegetables and grain products, respectively. The consumption of these foods should be provided under the supervision of your nutritionist in accordance with your post-surgical period.

– Sufficient Fluid Take.

At least 1.5 liters of fluid should be taken per day. However, liquid consumption should be avoided with meals, sips should be taken at least 30 minutes after meals.

– Adequate Physical Activity.

In order to increase bowel movement, care should be taken to take a walk during the day after the operation.

– Avoid Diuretic Foods.

Diuretic foods such as coffee, caffeine-containing herbal teas, which are also called diuretics, are foods that should be avoided in case of constipation (constipation) because they cause excessive urination.

If the complaint of constipation persists despite all these precautions, it is possible to consult with your doctor and dietitian to investigate other causes of constipation or to evaluate the diet applied.


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