Fasting with Gastric Balloon

Tabağın üzerinde çalar saat ve çatal bıçak.

Fasting and Nutrition with Gastric Balloon in Ramadan

During the month of Ramadan, the duration of being hungry is prolonged and the number of meals is reduced. To prevent early blood sugar reduction, to get the required daily energy needs and to provide a balanced diet,at least 2 meals should be made. Nutrients should be distributed in a balanced way for sahur and iftar.
Foods with low glycemic index in order to balance blood sugar especially at sahur
should be preferred and protein-rich foods should be given priority. Due to metabolic rate reduced at night, consumption of heavy and high-calorie foods should be avoided. Otherwise, weight rise can be observed. In addition to a balanced diet, adequate water consumption should be ensured. Water is the most important substance for the functioning of our metabolism. Due to insufficient water consumption, conditions such as mineral loss and headache may be encountered. For this reason, between iftar and sahur 2-2.5 liters of water
should be consumed.

Nutritional Recommendations

  • In order to provide balanced and adequate nutrition, sahur should not be skipped. Adequate protein should be consumed in sahur and iftar.
  • Meals should be consumed slowly and  chewed.
  • Large plates should be used for salads and small one for meals. By this way, portion control will be provided.
  • Water should be drunk frequently between iftar and sahur.
  • Attention should be given to solid-liquid separation. Liquids should not be consumed with meals.
  • If the iftar is started with water or soup, it must be waited for 30 minutes and then have the main meal.
  • Meals are cooked with healthy cooking methods such as grilling, boiling, baking, and steaming. Methods such as frying and roasting should be avoided.
  • Very salty and spicy foods should be avoided. These foods will increase the need for water during fasting.
  • After long-term fasting, sweet cravings appears because the blood sugar is not regular. Instead of sherbet desserts, milk desserts should be preferred.
  • Every day, efforts should be made to exercise 1-2 hours after iftar. Especially medium brisk walk will facilitate the digestion of food.
  • If there is a chronic disease such as diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease and continuous medication is required, a doctor should be consulted before fasting.

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