Umbilical Hernia

What is Umbilical Hernia?

While in the womb, the point where the vessels feeding the baby enter the body is in the navel region. Therefore, the umbilicus is considered a congenital weak spot throughout adult life.

Hernias that develop inside or near the umbilical region are called umbilical hernia (umbilical hernia).

Umbilical Hernia Causes

Although umbilical hernia can occur in any age and gender, it is most common in overweight women who have given birth, and complaints often begin in the postpartum period.

In addition, any situation that increases the pressure in the abdomen can prepare the ground for umbilical hernia. E.g;

  • Chronic cough and constipation
  • Doing heavy work or engaging in heavy sports
  • Being overweight or rapid weight loss
  • Having too many births

Umbilical Hernia Symptoms

The most common symptoms of umbilical hernia are swelling in the navel, deformity, outward bulging and pain. Patients mostly apply to the doctor knowing that they have an umbilical hernia.

However, in a group of patients, the symptoms of umbilical hernia do not appear and may be noticed by the physician incidentally during abdominal examination performed for any reason (flattening in the umbilicus).

In the umbilical hernia, there is an intra-abdominal fatty tissue called the omentum or small intestines. Significant swelling and pain occur when the person is forced very hard or stands for a long time. When lying on his back, it is possible for the patient to push the swelling in with his hand.

However, in some cases, the swelling cannot be regressed and the pain becomes progressively worse. In fact, redness on the skin in the hernia area, bruising and blackening as a sign of umbilical hernia in very advanced cases are accompanied by severe abdominal pain, inability to go to the toilet, nausea and vomiting. This situation is urgent and the patient needs to be operated immediately. (It is thought that the organ in the hernia sac is compressed and its nutrition is impaired.)

Umbilical Hernia Treatments

The treatment of umbilical hernia detected in adulthood is surgery. The damaged area under the navel is closed using an open or closed method using a special patch.

In open surgery, after reaching the umbilical hernia sac, the organs in the sac are returned to the abdomen and the opening area is closed with stitches and a patch is placed on it. The standard (prolene) patch used does not come into contact with the internal organs and hardens in the area it is in, preventing the formation of umbilical hernia again.

In the closed (laparoscopic) method, three holes are made in the abdominal skin and the hernia area is repaired from the inside. The patch placed inside is different from those used in open surgery. These patches, called dual-sided patches, are covered with a special material since they will come into contact with the intestines.

The closed method is more advantageous in terms of pain, wound healing and quick return to daily life after umbilical hernia surgery.

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