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Obesity is one of the most insidious diseases today. Obesity is an epidemic. 1/3 of the world’s population is overweight or obese. Fighting this disease is fighting the diseases that are difficult or impossible to treat due to obesity. Get rid of your excess weight before it’s too late.

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A new approach to weight loss

General Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. Mehtap Ertürk drew attention to the fact that overweight and obesity is an increasing disease in the world, leading to much more serious health problems if left untreated.

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Quality sleep for healthy weight loss

Adequate and quality sleep is extremely important for health. However, many people today do not get enough sleep. However, quality sleep helps prevent and solve many problems, including excess weight.

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A new approach to obesity treatment

General Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. Mehtap Ertürk pointed out that overweight and obesity are diseases that, if left untreated, cause much more serious health problems and are increasing in the world.

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Here are all the details about Swallowable Gastric Balloon and Tracking System

General Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. Mehtap Ertürk drew attention to the fact that overweight and obesity is an increasing disease in the world, leading to much more serious health problems if left untreated. Ertürk said that patients achieved significant weight loss in 6 months with the swallowable gastric balloon application, which does not require endoscopy and anesthesia, and the accompanying tracking system.

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Here are all the details about Swallowable Gastric Balloon and Tracking System

General Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. Mehtap Ertürk drew attention to the fact that overweight and obesity is an increasing disease in the world, leading to much more serious health problems if left untreated. Ertürk said that patients achieved significant weight loss in 6 months with the swallowable gastric balloon application, which does not require endoscopy and anesthesia, and the accompanying tracking system.

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What is Elipse Swallowable Gastric Balloon? How Does It Make You Lose Weight?

General Surgery Specialist Op. stated that although the most natural way to get rid of excess weight is a healthy diet and an active lifestyle, unfortunately many people today are not successful in maintaining this lifestyle and losing their excess weight. Dr. Mehtap ERTÜRK, obesity disease is increasing day by day in our age. Many surgical or non-surgical methods are used in its treatment. He added that gastric balloons are widely preferred by overweight individuals because they do not require surgery and are reversible.

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How to Lose Weight with a Swallowable Gastric Balloon?

General Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. Mehtap ERTÜRK stated that studies on the use of gastric balloon application in losing excess weight and in the treatment of obesity started in the 1980s and that it is frequently used for overweight or overweight individuals who are on the border of obesity, especially for reasons such as not requiring surgery, having fewer risks compared to obesity surgeries, and being a reversible application. told.

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Elipse Swallowable Gastric Balloon

Regarding the subject, Op.Dr. Mehtap ERTÜRK makes a statement: Obesity disease cannot be seen only as weight gain, increasing the amount of fat in the body, that is, increasing the body mass index. At the same time, the vital organs of the person begin to lubricate. Obesity may be the underlying cause of many clinical diseases. Type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance, serious cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, sleep apnea and even cancer can be listed as some of the diseases that can be caused by overweight and obesity in general.

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What is a Gastric Balloon?

General Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. Mehtap ERTÜRK pointed out that obesity is an exponentially increasing disease of the modern age and that irregular nutrition and sedentary lifestyle brought by the age are generally the main causes of this disease, and said that according to a research conducted by the World Health Organization, obesity disease in the world has increased by 3 times in the last 40 years. He stated that if left untreated, it can cause many diseases such as serious heart diseases and cancer in the long run.


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