When obesity is not treated, it causes many serious diseases. There are surgical and non-surgical methods with effective results for the treatment of obesity.
MoreNo Anesthesia No Endoscopy! No Surgery! Allurion Gastric Balloon is the world’s first swallowable gastric balloon that does not require endoscopy and anesthesia.
MoreGastric sleeve surgery is the most commonly used surgical procedure in which approximately 80% of the stomach is removed.
MoreA part of the stomach is removed by laparoscopy.
The gastric balloon is placed by endoscopy.
Allurion balloon does not require surgical procedure.
She was born in 1978 in Rize Çayeli. She completed his primary and secondary education in Yalova, Üsküdar.
In 1994 she joined Trakya University Faculty of Medicine and graduated in 2001. Then, she worked as general practitioner in Yalova State Hospital for 5 years.
In 2007, she started her specialization in general surgery in Okmeydanı Training and Research Hospital and worked in oncological surgery and breast diseases clinic.
*Global average is 15%.
Allurion acknowledges its partner for its excellence in all aspects of Allurion Program.
Becoming a distinguished Center of Excellence means this clinic earned its status by always providing a best-in-class patient experience.
It is this best-iniclass service that makes Allurion proud to have them as a Center of Excellence.
The information, images and comments on the surgical operations mentioned on this website are for informational purposes only. The decision on diagnosis, treatment and follow-up methods will be made by the doctor.