Success in Weight Loss Diets

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Factors Affecting Success in Weight Loss Diets and Maintaining the Lost Weight After the Diet.

Obesity is among the most important health problems of developed and developing countries today.

Obesity, in its simplest form, can be defined as an increase in the proportion of fat tissue in the body relative to the proportion of fat-free mass, as a result of which the body weight of individuals exceeds the required levels according to their height ratio.

Today’s studies show that obesity can cause diseases such as insulin resistance, diabetes (DM), hypertension (HT), dyslipidemia and coronary heart artery disease. Obesity is one of the diseases that is most easily diagnosed but requires effort to treat (1).

Obesity is a complex disease in which appetite regulation, energy metabolism and self-control of individuals are evaluated together (2).

Factors such as new living habits brought by our age, ready-made foods with high energy content, and inactivity increase the risk of obesity (3).

In obesity treatment; Many treatments such as diet, surgical treatment, drug therapy and behavioral change can be used. The most important step for success is taken by choosing the treatment method that is most suitable for the patient. The common goal of all these treatments is for individuals to reach their ideal weight in a healthy way and to maintain the achieved weight for a long time by gaining sustainable eating habits and to prevent weight gain again as a result of treatment (3,4,5).

In many studies examined, it was observed that individuals who maintained the lost weight for at least 6 months with appropriate weight loss diets successfully maintained and maintained their weight loss in the future. It has been observed that these individuals adopt a physically active lifestyle and have a healthy diet and goals.

In this process, lifestyle changes, as well as diet and exercise, are especially important. The reason why behavioral change is so important in obesity treatment is to enable individuals to get rid of faulty habits that lead to obesity and to encourage them to acquire correct eating habits instead. In addition, it has been observed that psychological functions improve and individuals’ motivation and adaptation increase with behavioral change (3,6,7).

The aim of obesity treatment is; The aim is to reduce body weight to the ideal level, meet the necessary nutritional requirements, replace wrong eating habits with correct ones, and prevent weight gain again after the body weight reaches the ideal weight and keep it at this level. It has been determined that regular physical activity, individual observation and motivation skills are strong in individuals who maintain the lost weight (8,9).

Studies on losing and maintaining healthy weight show that the sustainability of weight loss diets is directly effective with the solutions they produce to the difficulties faced by patients. The common point of all treatment methods is that individuals have a strong motivation. The most important factor that makes success sustainable is motivation.

Dyt. Ece YEŞİL


1. Hill J, Wyatt H. Role of physical activity in preventing and treating obesity. J Appl Physiol 2002;99:10:765-770.

2. Serter R, Obesity Atlas, 1st Edition. Ankara, Character Color; 2004.

3. Epstein, L, Valoski A, Wing R. Ten-year follow-up of behavioral, family-based treatment for obese children. JAMA 1990;264(19):2519-2523.

4. Kopelman PG, Stock MJ, Clinical Obesity. Oxford: Blackwell Science, 1998, p. 128-33.

5. Korugan U, Damcı T, Özbey N, Özer E. Clinical Obesi-te. Argos Communication Services, 2000, p. 34-44

6. Elfhag K, Rössner S. Who succeeds in maintaining weight loss? A conceptual review of factors associated with weight loss maintenance and weight regain. Obes Rev 2005;6(1):67-85.

7. Neyzi, O., Ertuğrul, T. Pediatrics 1. Nobel Medicine Bookstore, 1989, p. 378-382.

8. Satman İ, Dinççağ N, Karşıdağ K, Şengül A, Salman F, Sargın M, et al. “Epidemiology of diabetes and obesity in Turkey”, Proc. International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Congress, 17th Meeting, Mexico City Mexico, Vol 50, abstract no: 574, 2000.

9. Coulston, MA., Rock, CL., Nutrition In The Prevention and Treatment of Disease. USA: Academic Press, 2001, p. 465-474


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