10 Tips For Weight Loss After Gastric Balloon

Mide balonu uygulaması sonrası dikkat edilmesi gereken 10 madde makalesi için ortasında on yazan etrafında besinler olan resim

Tips After Gastric Balloon Insertion

Gastric balloon is one of the most commonly applied methods as an alternative to surgical methods in the treatment of obesity or to lose excess weight. As with any obesity treatment, this is a start in the weight loss journey. It facilitates the observance of the necessary rules after the application.

In this article, we have gathered the rules to be followed in order to lose weight in a healthy way after gastric balloon under 10 items. Before moving on to the items that need attention, you can review our page on what is a gastric balloon and why it is applied. You can also find frequently asked questions and answers about gastric balloon here.

10 Tips For Weight Loss After Gastric Balloon

1. Adequate Protein Intake

Proteins are the basic building blocks of the body. The amount of protein that should be taken daily in healthy individuals is calculated on the ideal weight and this amount is 0.8-1 g/kg. The reason for the importance of high protein diets during weight management after gastric balloon is that it plays an important role in preserving lean body mass. In this way, it is aimed to protect the muscle tissue and to provide loss of fat tissue.

2. Adequate Carbohydrate Intake

In order to maintain our optimal brain functions, our daily carbohydrate intake should be at least 50 grams. It is aimed that 45% of the daily calories we take with food come from carbohydrate sources.

Targeted sources of carbohydrates should not be carbohydrates with a high glycemic index (rice, white bread, etc.) and refined sugar. After the gastric balloon, it should be balanced with the lists under the control of a dietitian according to the process you are in.

3. Adequate Water Consumption

Water is essential for life and is considered a nutrient. Water and other beverages; It plays a role in the digestion and absorption of our food, the functioning of cells, tissues, organs and systems for life and health, the transport and disposal of harmful substances resulting from metabolism, the control of body temperature and the lubrication of the joints.

At least 1.5-2 liters of water should be consumed daily. The darkening of the urine color is an indication that the water requirement is not met. It is important to make adequate water intake a daily lifestyle after gastric balloon.

4. Adequate Fiber Intake

Vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grain products as a source of carbohydrates should be included in the diet because of their high fiber content. Fiber has many protective benefits such as ensuring intestinal motility, preventing obesity and balancing blood sugar.

5. Chewing Speed

When the food reaches the stomach, a certain period of time is required for the feeling of satiety to occur. If the person eats too quickly, too much food will be consumed before a feeling of fullness can occur. Gastric balloon takes up space in the stomach and provides less food consumption. However, when it is eaten slowly and by chewing, people will consume as much food as they need, as the feeling of satiety is provided.

6. Solid-Liquid Separation

The combination of solid and liquid foods can both increase the pressure on the gastric balloon by forcing the volume in the stomach and cause the digestion of foods to accelerate. For this reason, in order to maintain the feeling of fullness and to tolerate the gastric balloon, liquid consumption should be avoided with meals, and liquids should be drunk at least 30 minutes before or after the meal, sips.

7. Limiting Liquid Calorie Intake

Alcohol, simple sugar-containing liquids and carbonated beverages are not recommended due to their caloric content and negative effects on stomach pH.

8. Increasing Exercise and Mobility

Physical activity is a vital part of weight loss programs to manage weight, maintain ideal body weight, and prevent weight regain. For this reason, it is very essential to move regularly besides a healthy diet. There is no harm in doing sports after the gastric balloon.

9. Lifestyle Change

It is known that in any attempt to get rid of excess weight, such as a gastric balloon, patients generally apply after trying to lose weight many times before. Here, it is important to determine which methods were tried, whether they were successful, how much weight was lost, the factors that caused weight gain again or, if unsuccessful, the reasons.

Because factors that make weight loss difficult or that may cause weight gain should be determined and controlled.

10. Regular Follow-up and Continuous Communication

Due to the complexity of obesity, the existence of many criteria and the importance of lifestyle change after surgery, patients should be evaluated, monitored and educated by a multidisciplinary team. The evaluation of people in the pre-application period should be done by a specialist doctor and dietitian. Afterwards, it is seen that the patients/clients who are not followed up regularly and cut off communication cannot achieve the desired result because they cannot make the lifestyle change clearly.

With the possibilities of today’s technology, swallowable gastric balloon and Allurion Program provide the tracking system in the most efficient way.


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