Bariatric Surgery and Vegetarian Nutrition

Vejetarjen beslenme için örnek besinlerin yer aldığı resim

Bariatric Surgery and Vegetarian Nutrition

Vegetarian diet is evaluated in 4 categories.

  1. Vegan: Those who avoid eating any animal product.
  2. Lacto-vejetarians: Those who stay away from any animal product except dairy products.
  3. Ovo-andjetarias: Those who stay away from animal products except eggs. 
  4. Lacto-Ovo-vejetarias: Social vegetarians, which are not referred to as meat, but consume dairy products and eggs.

The prevalence of vegetarianism around the world varies between 0-42 %compared to the country and culture. The prevalence of overweight/ obesity was found to be 40 %in omnivors (carnivorous fed), 29 %in semi-vegetarians and 25 %in lacto-vejetarians. Patients often prefer surgical weight loss intervention in the treatment of obesity. Coronary heart disease, LDL cholesterol, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, obesity, obesity and some types of cancer in vegetarian individuals have been demonstrated by various studies. In addition to useful health effects, vegetarian diets may cause risks that may cause risks in terms of vitamin B12, vitamin D, zinc, iron, calcium, iodine, omega 3 fatty acids and protein deficiency. In the preoperative and postoperative period, the malnutrition due to vegetarian reasons was associated with many nutritional complications that may occur after surgery.

Nutritional suggestions for vegetarian individuals who have undergone bariatric surgery

  • Postoperative protein intake should be minimum 60–90 g.
  • Foods with high protein content compared to high foods containing carbohydrates or fats should be preferred primarily.
  • Vegetarians should be preferred soybean products and legumes in accordance with the type of nutrition.
  • Vegan content protein powders may be preferred.
  • Vegetarian individuals have lower iron stores than non -vegetarians. It should use additional supplements when necessary to prevent lifelong 45–60 mg/day iron supplements and deficiency.
  • In order to improve iron absorption, consumption of vitamin C foods should be encouraged with iron supplementation.
  • According to vegetarian diet type, animal (eg dairy products) and plant -based high calcium foods (eg unprocessed soybean products, chickpeas, cabbage, turnip and Chinese cabbage) should be consumed.
  • Vitamin B12 cannot be taken from plant -induced foods, so all vegetarians should take at least 500 mcg B12 vitamin supplements per day.

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